Yesterday, a
thread was started in the Etsy forums about the many, many sales, tips for sales (packaging) and promotions that Etsy admin seem to be pushing. Based on the length of the thread, it would seem a lot of sellers think it's gone way too far. I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I can understand where they are coming from. That said, I'm not in complete agreement with the majority of the posters. Here's what I posted which is somewhere on page 51 I think:
"I haven't yet read all 50 pages of this thread, though I will try to later. Therefore, my comments may be somewhat random...
However, it seems to me this is just yet another example of the art versus commerce argument that has been around for the last 150-200 years.
Artists have always had patrons, struck deals, and sold their souls in order to produce the work they love *and* make a living at it. The stereotypical starving artist is a product of the Victorian times and, IMHO, does no one any favors.
In this case, I think it's more a question of finding the right balance between what *you* think you can stomach and what your 'patron' (Etsy!) is pushing. I for one, love nice packaging and consider the whole process an opportunity for artistic expression. I can totally see how others would not.
I do think that in the current economy, Etsy is somewhat justified in pushing a lot of promotions. And as a brand new seller, I, quite frankly, am willing to do quite a lot to get my name out there and sell.
That's just my 2 cents of course. I'm sure many of you will disagree."
Just curious if I'm alone out here? I'm sure I'll get some feedback on the thread, too! Let's hope they can keep it polite...